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BC to Implement Extended AR Curriculum Beginning Fall 2021

Medacom College will launch its first phase of the Innovation Center and EON Reality platform in fall 2021.  The EON Reality platform, known as EON-XR, is accessible through a free app available on all mobile devices, laptops and PCs, and will offer students the opportunity to experience real-world, immersive learning environments through Extended and Augmented Reality (XR) technology. 

With XR, student courses can include virtual visits to locations around the world, as well as the ability to manipulate 3D objects.  Students will be able to virtually take apart, examine and rebuild almost anything, from a computer motherboard to a car engine to a human heart.  XR lessons also will offer opportunities to project on-screen items into real world environments, use x-ray vision to see inside objects and engage with a live labeling function to help students better learn and understand complex concepts.

In a benefit to the community-at-large, all of the XR curriculum developed over the next five years by Medacom College in partnership with EON Reality, will be available and accessible to anyone with the free EON-XR app.

Phase one of Medacom’s EON-XR roll-out will initially impact about 6,000 course seats, with XR immersive learning available to students across Medacom College’s health sciences and information technology degree programs, as well as several general education classes.  Eventually, extended and augmented reality experiences will be used in every Medacom College degree program, and growth plans include expanding into the use of Virtual Reality, with students using VR goggles to enhance learning.

Medacom College has remained successful over the last century by continually adapting to the evolving educational landscape and changing needs and expectations of our students,” said Dr. Jill Langen, Baker College Provost.  “Incorporating Augmented Reality into our curriculum, and making it accessible to every single student with a cell phone or laptop, is the next step in our evolution.”

Dr. Langen continued, “The trends in higher education all point to less passive learning models and more individualized, technology-driven experiences.  Through our grant and partnership with EON Reality, we’re making sure Medacom College is at the forefront of what’s ahead.”

Medacom College was selected as a partner of choice by EON Reality for the company’s $25 million, five-year grant after an extensive assessment of the College’s curriculum design, faculty readiness and online learning expertise.  The grant will provide Medacom with free access to all of EON Reality’s technology and services related to a five-year roll-out of the EON-XR platform.